I provide facilitation of design, learning, and culture building experiences for adult and student learners. I also create customized curriculum, strategies, tools, and branding and marketing supports. In all that I do, I prioritize the principles of Liberatory Design for Equity and CASEL's Social Emotional Competencies for both students and adults. Please reach out to find out more!

School Design
& Redesign
Vision & Mission
Design Processes & Principles
Building your Portrait of a Graduate
Essential Structures & Enabling Systems
Design Sprint Facilitation
Communicating Your Vision:
Pitch Decks
Branding & Marketing

Student &
Adult Learning
Student Centered Learning
Personalized Learning
Competency-Based Learning
Anytime, Anywhere Learning
Student Ownership
Experiential Learning
Project Based Learning
Place-Based Learning
Adult Learning
Adult learning theory
Stages of Professional Learning

Community & Culture Development
Culturally Responsive Teaching
Restorative Approaches
Equity Audits: CritQuant Approach
Trust Building (Staff and School Community)
Creating a Culture of Authentic Assessment: Demonstrations of Learning (DOLs)
Community Partnership Development